gui_app Query Menu

Summary Statistics

Summary statistics are calculated on table column with numerical datatype. The sumaary statistics include mean, max value, min value etc. Example Column: funding_amount
Enter Column name

Plotly Visualization of Numerical Data

A simple graph is generated using this column. X-axis has the indices values, whereas y-axis has the magnitude value of the numerical column Example Column: funding_amount
Enter Column name

Document Object Model Modification

Modification was done in the document object model with the help of radio buttons i.e. Base Query and Modification. When radio button with modification was selected, an extra key field called extra key is generated Example Usage: JSON Column Parent: sci_inst_json, Child Key Nr. 1: personnel_involved, Number: 4, Extra key: Cost

Query Across Multiple JSON Columns

Results are extracted with the help of two json columns. Example: JSON Column 1: sci_inst_json Example: JSON Column 2: trans_disciplinary_json